It's Time To Get Into The Game

If you want to affect change in your life, you need to develop your belief that you can at least go somewhere else.

What if you could get that result? What would that look like?

The One Major Barrier That Stops You From Achieving Your Goals

The biggest adversary you'll ever face is the voice inside your head that sends you running back to default mode.

I'll call it your Inner Bitch and she is relentless. Every minute of every day she is there in your ear..

"Don't do this because something terrible might happen...

You're tired, you have a cold, you need a rest...
You don't deserve it, you're not good enough."

She has ALL the intelligence on you, she knows all your weak points, especially the ones that made you quit before.

She wants to win. She will do anything to win.
The question is... Are you going to let her?

Discover the Game Plan you need to defeat her PERMANENTLY inside...

The Mount Mindset Community

Here's How We're Going To Win Together


In this video, Geo walks you through all the sections of Skool and all the great interaction going on even in the early days when this video was made. (Note: Some sections shown above are a paid upgrade).


There is a growing library of resources inside the Community including audio and video training, recommended books, templates, and challenges all designed you to help you get the most out of yourself.

Here's How You Can Get Started Today


Join Mount Mindset for Free and enjoy the following benefits:

  • Regular video updates and motivation from Geo

  • Monthly planner

  • Daily planner

  • Access to all community discussions

  • Access to all resources within the library


By becoming a Paid member of

Mount Mindset you get all the benefits that come with Free plus:

  • Weekly livestream calls with Geo

  • All previous call recordings

  • The Mount Mindset course of 5 Modules including...

  • A full set of 'rewire your brain' quizzes

  • Digital version of the Monthly and Daily planners

£10 for risk-free trial for 14 days, then £25 per month

Community Wins

Honestly never seen a client as happy to have an issue fixed and now become the go to guy, buzzing myself and has made me want to get even more done this week now 🙌🏼

Bryan Bonham, Glasgow

"Surround yourself with better people, their habits will rub off on you." exactly why I'm here, brothers x

Sharon McLaughlin, Netherlands

I made my habit for February to more consistent, put an appointment in my calendar for a walk. I haven't always made it out at the time specified for various reasons but I don't dismiss the reminder until it's done. I haven't missed a daily walk since.

Craig Aitken, Airdrie

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